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Founders Network: Wausau Meet-up
Thursday, March 14 from 3-5 p.m.
This Founders Network session is hosted at The Pinery Coffee Co. free of charge. By attending this event, you are invited to: Meet business owners and executive directors from the community, Exercise your creative thinking muscles
Share current hurdles you are facing in your organization, Offer up your services, or request help finding some! Read more here.
PEGASIS is all about writing and performing genre-less original music that refuses to be categorized. With shimmering vocal harmonies, pulsing rhythms, tight arrangements, musical virtuosity, and vibrant dynamics, PEGASIS provides lush soundscapes that captivate all types of listeners and makes the complex sound (and look) easy. . .. …. . … Click here for details.
News Literacy (Wausau)
Spring Break in the Gardens
3rd Annual Eggstravaganza Easter Egg Hunt
Arts and Crafts start at 9 am in East Gate Hall.
Ages 6 & Under will start at 10 am
Ages 7 & Older will start at 10:15 am. Read more on the website!
What’s New in the World Downtown!
Lemongrass Asian Fusion
Lemongrass Asian Fusion features a menu of Thai and Vietnamese cuisines, owned by Tuan Uong and Hong Duong. Their partner is Uong’s sister-in-law, Regina Navarro, who runs a similar, successful restaurant just outside Los Angeles, Calif.. The new Lemongrass Asian Fusion brings an incredible dining experience to downtown Wausau. Click here for more info, or call 715-870-2255.